Nineteenth century converted stone barn (Ranska - Limousin - Lascaux)


  • We loved the rural tranquility of this home in The Correze

  • Wonderfull exchange and nice parteners

    Thank you too for take care of our house and the garden so well!!!

  • Une maison (ancienne grange) réaménagée avec goût et cachet au cœur d'un hameau bien situé pour une découverte en étoile de la région. Une adresse pour les amoureux de la nature et du calme.

  • Karen and Richard were excellent hosts!

    We had a warm welcome . They explained us how everything worked and provided us lot of information about the Perigord. We feel very comfortable at their home and enjoy their beautiful garden, the peaceful of the place and the charming villages and towns which are in the surroundings.


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