Czech Republic - Prague - Appartment (Tšekki - Prague - Prague)


  • A lovely house in Prague: we had a great time

    Our stay in Prague was great. The house was very comfortable, with a large garden all around. We enjoyed several very tasteful tomatoes from your garden. Your advice for our visit was well appreciated. So we left for the city very early in the morning, to find it quiet enough to enjoy it. We had a great day in the Prague Zoo as well, which our daughter really liked. After we left your place, we went to visit Karlovy Vary, which was quite close, and we found it very beautiful. Thank you for a very nice exchange, from Bas, Eva & Zoë.

  • Gentilissimi

  • siamo stati benissimo, la casa è molto accogliente

    abbiamo trovato casa nostra pulita e in ordine come l'avevamo lasciata.


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