Australia - Sydney, 7kmGPO House (2 floor) (Australia - New South Wales - WOOLWICH)


  • Best of the best!

    Fantastic people! And their home near Sydney and also their farm were perfect and such a treat. It could not have been better. Their location in Sydney (Woolwich) was so great, just around the corner from the ferry -- very convenient. And what an experience to spend time on their ranch -- a real learning curve for Tim! They were so hospitable and friendly and easy to get along with. We spent part of the time with them, both in Sydney and at the farm, and also some time on our own in Sydney. We enjoyed every minute of our time together. Both places are fantastic.

  • Fabulous time

    Ian and Marg are the perfect hosts. We had a fabulous time meeting their friends, sharing the Sydney home and Greylands in the Hunter Valley was amazing. Wonderful friends who we will meet again whenever we can!


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