Ecuador - Cuenca - House (2 floors+) (Ecuador - Azuay - Cuenca)


  • We enjoy staying in this lovely house with great view on Cuenca and the mountains! We had many trips and were away quite often, nevertheless we were very happy with our base. Here we could get some rest, do our washing, cook a meal and play Scrabble. This all made us feel at home in Ecuador. Ecuador is a magnificent country. For us it was the first time to discover a country so different from ours. We made beautiful walks at the coast, in the Sierra and the South. We had a meal in a wooden hut. In the Amazon we observed birds that we did not know to exist. It was a plus to meet Kirsten "life" before we left and after we came back!

  • Great Ecuador

    It was our first time in Ecuador and we had a wonderful time . it is an amazing country . kiersten's fat is wonderful and the use of her car was very helpful to discover this amazing country ; we had a wonderful time


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