France - Brest, 60k, S - House (2 floors+) (Ranska - Bretagne - Brest, 60k, S)


  • A warm welcome on the coast of Brittany

    We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the home of Claude and Christian, a striking modern structure, which offered us every comfort. It was also interesting to stay in an energy-efficient home. Claude went out of her way to provide us with a warm hospitable welcome, from a welcoming meal to sufficient towels. Claude's dedication to sketching and watercolor was evident in the home's artwork which captured the beauty of the region and added to our pleasure in being in their home. We enjoyed our visit to Camaret, exploring the Breton countryside as well as Quimper.

  • Estuvimos como en nuestra casa. Una bonita y acoge

    Fueron muy amables en todo momento. Hacer este intercambio fue muy agradable para nosotras. saludos cordiales


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