Germany - *Bremen, 25k, N - House (2 floors+) (Saksa - Bremen - Schwanewede)


  • A lovely home

    We had a very nice time at your lovely home. Your neighbors behind you, Peter and his wife, were very friendly and helpful to us. Your car was excellent. We enjoyed touring your country. Thank you for exchanging with us.

  • Thank you for offering your home to us.

    We had a great time in Germany and learned a lot about the local area.

  • A great time in & around Schwanewede

    Thank you for the use of your lovely home. Was a great adventure to stay in a non-English speaking country, to drive on the other side of the road & shop in supermarkets where there was only a little English. Loved cycling around the area & seeing the beautiful fall colours. Bremen Christmas Markets were wonderful, we enjoyed the restaurant recommendations & appreciated the contact & assistance of your friends. Great to meet & chat on Skype.


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