Mexico - Puerto Vallarta, 1hr, N - House (2 f (Meksiko - Jalisco - Puerto Vallarta, 1hr, N)


  • Great location. Comfortable condo.

    We enjoyed our stay in Victoria very much. Loved the location & comfort of the condo. Helga & Dave were friendly & generous hosts. Their neighbour was also kind & helpful.

  • Homeexchange at its best

    Thank you so much for this exchange, everything was perfect, the warm welcome, the cozy flat, the view out of the window, a perfect exchange.


Maailmanlaajuinen verkosto paikallisella asiakastuella

HomeLinkin paikalliset edustajat ympäri maailmaa palveluksessasi


Kodinvaihdon 5 helppoa vaihetta

Matkusta turvallisesti ja tunne olosi kotoisaksi kaikkialla maailmassa!

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