Maison à la campagne , 50kms de Grenoble (Ranska - isère - COMMELLE)


  • Great memories!

    We had an excellent first exchange. It was a very central location for exploring the many villages in the region. We enjoyed the French culture and food. The French people we encountered during our many explorations were very patient and kind. We will always remember this as a big highlight of our trip. The neighbours were very friendly and welcoming. We appreciated your organizational skills. The book you left was very informative and a great reference for us. The maps and brochures of the various villages, cities and sites in the region were also very much appreciated and helpful. Your home and yard were beautiful. Unfortunately we did not get a chance to use the pool as we were very busy touring the countryside and attending the many festivals and markets in the region. We would recommend this exchange for anyone wishing to experience French culture in a rural setting. Thank you so much for your hospitality.


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